
Marly Herod

Marly Herod
Marly Herod
  • التوافر: متوفر
  • الماركة: MARLY
  • الحجم: 125.00
489 ريال
1,001 ريال
السعر بدون ضريبة : 489 ريال

this elegant woody scent evokes your senses, and fills you with an irresistible fresh smell, with a great blend of patchouli, tobacco leaves, cedar, and cinnamon.

About the brand:

De Marley is a French global brand that specializes in luxury parfumes and offers an original concept of luxury parfumes inspired from the eighteenth century, when the best parfumes were made for King Louis XV as an appreciation for the prestigious horse races in which he was expert.

Brand بارفيوم دو مارلي
Gender رجالي
Persistence أو دو برفيوم
SIZE 125 مل
Aromatic family
Aromatic family خشبية

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